Improve your personality and Get Selected in Services Selection Board / Final Selection Board This article is written by Defence Academy Faculty, useful for all those who want to shine in their life. Qualify in any interview and stand tall among your peers Knowing yourself and self-analysis is of paramount importance before you set out to achieve your Dream Goal. Let your Subconscious mind work for you. First of all let us see how to focus our mind towards achievement of the GOAL. Answer these questions carefully and truthfully to know where you stand as on today?
1. Do , I know exactly what am I seeking/ to be? ( please write it down)
2. What are the Physical QR Required? ( Education, Height, Weight, Endurance, Body Fitness)
3. My height_______________cm, My Weight______________kg. Permissible YES/ NO
4. If not what am I going to do about it. (Eg Over weight, how will I reduce this write down and set a time frame to come to the required weight)
5. Knowledge about the Job/ Organisation that I would like to join. ( Take the questionnaire )
6. Army, Navy, IAF, Coast Guard, others (Search the internet make notes, do a Presentation.
7. Can I make an effective Speech about any topic for 5 minutes?
8. If not how am I going to achieve this? ( write it down , date , time schedule)
9. Am I a regular in updating my Current affairs? ( If yes, then write at least 5 current event on your diary every day and get it checked by your mentor)
10. How I got a 24 hour time schedule to work towards my GOAL? ( Write it down)
11. Why have I been a failure in my early attempts? (Write down reasons and how are you going to set it right?
12. How many books have I read till date to improve my knowledge, Power of Expression?
13. How and when am I going to give my Focused attempt to achieve my aim?
14. My weaknesses are _____________________( List it down and ways to overcome it)
15. Can I use my Acquired Knowledge to influence others and earn my pocket Money?
16. If yes, then do it and show it practically while undergoing trg by going out in the town.
17. Keep a journal and write down what you wanted to achieve by the end of 24 hours and have you achieved it/ If not where did you falter? Is Procrastination, time wasted upon—-
18. My action for the next 24 hours (a), (b), (c)… at the end of the time Measure what you did
19. Am I dressing up my best? If not why not? Like Shaving , wearing shoes, clean dress etc.,
20. Truthfully have I given my 100 % in my previous attempt, if not why not, write it down
21. My success and Failures so for, write down everything, this will make your realise what you have done and have not done.
22. I have wasted my time, effort and money on ( write down unwanted act)
23. What I wanted to accomplish, but let go. Why was this? Reasons
24. Have I helped others? If yes how?
25. My dream______________My parents Dream_______ is there a miss match? Why?
26. My alternative plans for my future Only 1 more alternative. Be very precious about it.
27. Next Week plan write down all you want to do in the coming week, with date and time.
28. What example am I setting to others as on today? If I go for an interview/ written exam will I be able to qualify? If Not why not, what are the improvement must I do to Succeed?
29. If today is my last day of my life. My Regret…………………… My joy…………
30. Write down what you want to achieve in the next 30 days, keep a daily record for review.